Faly sick HELP.

Blue Made it the night!!! We are bringing him to high park animal hospital today, my regular vet will see him now, hes gonna be all good hopefully. RIP Cheech and Chong
the coccidia was in one of my veiled chams at my old house 1 month ago, i disinfected everything there is no way it could have gotten to anyone else. my old case of coccidia was never like this, chong died so fast, in like 1 day....

Actually, coccidia can free float. meaning it can attach itself to dust particles, and float around the room, an dland in other cham cages... so if they wre in the same room.. or even next door rooms.. its possible..

also, if it was in your feeder bugs, and you fed everyone the same bugs....

really sorry you lost your chammie baby.
the vet last night said that cheech and chong died from coccidia, and that they think blue has a respritory infection
the vet last night said that cheech and chong died from coccidia, and that they think blue has a respritory infection

Im really sorry. I know the struggle with coccidia, im currently fighting it myself with my faly.

I hope Blue gets better!
the vet last night said that cheech and chong died from coccidia, and that they think blue has a respritory infection

Really they did a test on both dead chams? Iono ive never had a cham die from coccida let alone have two drop in a matter of hours from it, but i still think its a poisening for it to happen so quickly to so many..
Did they do full necropsy? unless they had coccidia for months and months and months, it shouldnt have killed them.

not saying the test is wrong, just saying that the coccidia could have been there but not been the cause.
they only tested cheech, they said they werent sure that they haddnt worked much with reptiles, i burried them this morning, so i cant bring them to the vet today, i dont really have any money left, i have 120 bucks left to get blue an appointment and medicine. im off in a couple minutes
Im sorry. but i jsut dont see coccidia killing them.
no matter, whats done is done. take care of blue and get him healthy.

im really sorry for your loss
im soo sorry bud, trhat really sux. i know you really cared for them and only wanted the best. i wish i could have helped more..
if there is anything i can do just gimmie a shout.
really im very sorry
who was the vet you saw??
Just catching up on the forums today, and read this thread. SO sorry to hear what happened, that's uttterly terrible!:(
I've helplessly watched one die before too, and I'd only had i two weeks. I can't imagine if it was one I'd had for years. yikes.

I hope you manage to get Blue better quickly, and that the rest stay ok too.

I'm more inclined to believe it was related to something in the bugs themselves or maybe the air in the apartment, than separate isolated incidents. I'm sure the stress played a part, but still, that's a really fast decline.
I am hoping for the very best for Blue. It is heartbreaking for you to lose the pair like that. My heart goes out to you. Let us know what the vet has to say about Blue.
Ahhhhhh god damn fcking superworms!!!!!!! Hes impacted on superworms!!!!!!!!!! This was the first time i have givin a single super worm to any pet in 2 years, i always thought they were bad, now i finally give in and bam, impaction...... Fml
and now hes at the vet for 2 nights and ive got a 1500 buck vet bill, ive already got a ton of debt from student loans.
woh woh woh.
they want 1550 to stay at the vet, for 2 days??!??!

MY damn dog stayed at the vet for 4 days, was being treated for a severe kidney infectino, had bloodwork every day.... and his vet bill was 900 bucks. and that was with him being held over the weekend!

i think yo ucan treat the impaction at home.
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