Eye problem?


New Member
Hey guys,
my cham recently had an eye infection, we went to the vet got antibiotics and cured his eye. just a few days ago i say him rubbing his other eye ( the eye that didn't get and infection) on a branch. i put the antibiotic drops in his eye, i havent seen him rub his eye on a branch, and i dont see any goo or a film covering the eye, but he just closes his eye alot. he also blinks his eye in a funny way sometimes too.
my main concern is that he just closes that one eye, and how he blinks it really weird sometimes. i dont see any sign of an eye infection, because there isn't a film covering his eye.:(

Any ideas???:confused:
The odd blinking, rubbing eyes on things, keeping one eye closed is because your chams eye is irritated by something. Could be first signs of an eye infection, something could be in the eye, or to much direct sunlight, to strong of a MV bulb or having it to close.

Seeing how your cham just got over a eye infection if you didnt clean every thing in the cage during and after the eye infection your cham could have gotten it again from rubbing her eye in the same place as when she had the eye infection. This would be my guess.
Try some shower time....

I agree with the previous post about irritation in the eye. You don't have to see goo or film over the eye to have an infection issue. I would try some extra shower time in a sink or shower a couple for a couple of days. The moisture may help your cham clean any irratating debri out of the eye. You can also rinse the eye with simple saline solution made for humans. Plain saline...not Visine or the lens cleaner stuff. Plain saline. You can use an eye dropper or syringe to spray it into the eye. Do not touch the eye with the eye dropper or syringe. I have stainless steel syringes with smooth ball tips that I bought from a vet supply company that is made to put inside/under the eye turret to syringe out the eye. Unless you have a product like that you should never touch the eye surface with anything. If you do not see improvement in two days it is time for a vet visit to scope the eye to look for scratches or infection.
okay, how do i give my cham a shower? do i take him into my bathroom and let luke warm water from my sink just run on him slowly?
i have looked it up but dont find very much, could someone explain it to me please?

*UPDATE* He hasen't blinked his eye weird today.
I believe what people do is put the chameleon on a plant, then put the plant in your shower and turn on warm water to bounce against the side of the shower wall and reflecting mist back at the chameleon.
I would try just manually misting (with very warm water) a bunch more, to help flush the eye.
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