Exotic pet Insurance is their any avalible in the USA?


New Member
Ive noticed theirs a exotic pet insurance in the UK I was wondering is their one for exotic pets or reptiles here in the states if so can someone tell me which they are because I cant find them in Google just the UK ones.
I did use the search feature beforehand I guess I missed it thank you for the site.

But then you have to find a vet who takes insurance - no?
Many vets take Care Credit. It is not insurance it is a credit card with deferred payments - in other words - free. I have used it for my cat with diabetes and it has been great. You just figure out the right payment and don't miss any and your monthly payment for a big bill can be pretty cheap! No deductible!! :) Unfortunately, my herp vet doesn't take it but he is just a one man show. It is not just vets, dental, eye care and other stuff that many health insurance plans don't cover (I don't have health ins. either)
With pet insurance the vet does not give the discounted price. There is generally a form you bring in with you to the vet visit and the vet fills out part of it and signs it, then you submit it to the insurance company and get reimbursed through them. You do have to pay for everything up front and wait to get reimbursed which is where Care Credit is a nice alternative if you dont have readily available cash. :)
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