exo-terra incubator news...


Avid Member
So as some of you know i have 2 exo-terra digital incubators (these are both replacements from the previous 2 that failed) well now these have failed as well..

after speaking with customer service (nora, shes really helpfull) they told me they would not be getting in any replacements, i asked what happened to the warehouse full of them, and is this a recall because of the extremly high failure rate?? i only got the responce of "we can send you a check for the full refund value" that is nice, but i want a replacement that works as advertized..anyway, looks like im just going pro, and spending the 700 on a real system designed correctly for specifically hatching reptile eggs (not a converted mini fridge)..

just thought you guys should know..
Thanks for the post. If you talk to them let them know that there is certainly a market for what they attempted to make. My current Exo-tera is still going.
I totally woulda got one if the reviews over the last year weren't so terrible.
I'm stickin with Hovabators for not.

What is the $700 one you are getting?
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