Exo-Terra Glass Terrarium 18x18x24

i personally wouldnt go any smaller than a 2x2x4. Veileds can get pretty large and id feel bad keeping him in such a small space
I am using this size at the moment as my chams are 9 weeks old but will be moving them into bigger..i thing it is way too small for an adult cham..look at the repti breeze, they are good and they are available in a much bigger size and are cheaper to buy :)
I have sucessfully kept two females in that size Exo Terra viv - it was originally purchased when I got Lily and Amy has since inherited it. Amy is very healthy (as was Lily for most of her life), but males do need a lot more space and they tend to roam a lot more than the females too! I wouldn't keep Tommy in that viv as he is probably double the size of Amy.:D
i would personally provide a larger cage for a female to fit the proper foliage as well as a laying bin. this is width wise of course, but obviously 2x2x4 for both would be a minimum
Yeah, I figured...My male Veiled is about 3 months old. Someone was offering me a deal on that size cage. The chameleon I have now is my first, and don't really know how big he will get. Im just going to keep him in what I have now, until he grows a bit more. He's happy in what hes in. I still dont handle him much since he gets scared easily. Although I do notice when I clean out his cage lately he hasn't been afraid much. In fact on Friday I laid my fingers closely to him and he walked right into my wrist. I guess the occasional hand feeding works after all. Anyway, thanks for the responses guys.
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