Enclosure size for 4mo old?


New Member
I picked up a 4 month old Ambanja Panther yesterday and I'm not sure if my enclosure is too big. I had an 18x18x36 and put him in there but I'm concerned that it's too big. I made his basking spot at about 82*

How long until he moves around much, because right now he just sits in one spot most of the day but I would assume that is because he's still scared? Should I cup feed him right now to keep the crickets contained so he can find his prey easier?

I know these are beginner questions but I have had a Jacksons before but never a baby this small. :)
Give him some time to get used to his new home. Your enclosure should be more than fine. It should be good for him through adulthood too, unless you want to upgrade to something bigger. :p

You CAN cup feed if you like, but you can let the crickets free roam too. Gives them a little exercise and lets them hunt for their food, unless there's a lot of places the crix can hide. I don't cup feed my veiled his crickets in his enclosure (which is the same size as yours and he's about 7 months now), just his supers.

Personally I would start with cup feeds just to keep track of how much he's eating, but there is the possibility of them jumping their way out of the cup.

Hope this helps. :)
What a cutie!!!

Love the set up! I'm pretty sure the crix can jump out of that cup. Haha!

We hot glued a piece of dowel rod in the center of our plastic cup like you have so our superworms can climb up and down it. Makes them look more appetizing. ;D

I have a little 4m old veiled also and I cup feed him, but I'm using a small plastic drinking cup that's about 3 1/2in tall. You can buy them at the grocery store.

I haven't seen any of his crix jump out yet. It does help for keeping track of how much he eats too! 8-10sm crix a day and they're gone by the time I get home from work. :)
Its a little boy. His colors are just barely beginning to show and so far it looks like he will have some nice reds and blues.

The crickets I have are pretty small and so far they arent jumping out of that cup (which is the cup he came home in) but I'll be getting a deeper cup for him today.
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