Emergency, Eye problem!

How is your cham doing? Did you turn off the compact uvb bulb? I really think that specific bulb is the main cause for the eye problem...

As for an immediate solution to the eyes...you could go to the store and buy a normal saline eye drop.....ones with no additives and use that....

Get it right up to her eye and spray it till her eye kinda puffs up. Should clear it out if anything is in there. After that...put her for a steam near the shower for a good 20 mins. This way she can flush the remaining stuff out her eye.

Turn that light off!

The main prob. is that she was fully covered with this foam, i couldnt see the skin of hers. They eye was filled with white foam but is now gone. Ofc. the eye will geta irretation from it . I do what i can , and i will buy a fixture as soon as possible.

I will turn the light off.!

One positive thing though, is that she is digging in the sand now that i covered the side to the front door with a blanket. Hopefully she will lay her eggs so i can get her in the shower.

She is feeling better! Otherwise she wouldnt dig at the moment.

Thanks for Everything and all help!
Thanks chameron
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