
If you didn't already know, my mom surprised me with a somewhere between baby and juvenile veiled chameleon. I have a few concerns.
I haven't seen him sleep. Does he just have to get adjusted or do I have to make him a bed or something?
He hasn't drank anything yet. I've sprayed him with a water bottle thing, I've used makeshift droppers until I get a system, and neither arrived with success.
Should have continued this onbthe thread you already started. He is acclimating to his new enclosure. If the lights go out and its dark....he is sleeping. Warm the water in the spray bottle up slightly.
Should have continued this onbthe thread you already started. He is acclimating to his new enclosure. If the lights go out and its dark....he is sleeping. Warm the water in the spray bottle up slightly.
Good to know. Is it better to boil the water in the filter or get distilled from the store?
Veileds will rarely if ever drink in front of people. As long as his urates are nice and white hes hydrated. Mist w warm water, if its too hot to spray on the inside of your wrist its too hot for the cham. Best investment I made was a mistking, again im using a screened enclosure so water doesnt pool up and theres two huge plants inside. Also system will set you back $100+ but worth every penny
Watch your humidity in the glass enclosure. Too much moisture can easily lead to an upper respiratory infection. How are you draining/collecting the water from the dripper and mistings?
Re-read the resources pages several times. Different things will stick in your head each time. When you are nervous about your new baby, it's easy to get overwhelmed. So, keep reading the resources pages or use search tool and you should find most of what you need quickly. At least I did. Feel like I was on here reading and searching hours a day the first month.
I would just take the newspaper out, it's just going to be a mess with the amount of water you're going to be using. If you're using a pvc bottom just drill some holes in it for drainage. You should have a clear bottom with no substrate at all.
I would just take the newspaper out, it's just going to be a mess with the amount of water you're going to be using. If you're using a pvc bottom just drill some holes in it for drainage. You should have a clear bottom with no substrate at all.
Drill holes....? Certainly a new idea to me. My dad seems to think that I'm coddling the guy. He even said "it's a lizard, not a baby." I stared at him for a minute thinking "'s a baby lizard...." I will have to talk with him and convince him further that I know far better than he when it comes down to it, as I have done a year's worth of research and he has done a day's worth, if that. Anyway, once I convince him of this vitality, I will consider the holes. It is set on a wooden desk, so I'm not sure how well that would work, and the glass might crack deeply as well.
Don't drill glass. I think prior author didn't realize it was an all glass enclosure. For having done a years worth of research, you have a lot of uninformed questions and not well thought out basic management issues. So, I wouldn't be so harsh on your parents. You will need them as allies to care for this guy.
Yes to drill a hole in the glass requires knowing weather or not it's tempered. If it is tempered it definitely shouldn't be attempted. If it is not tempered then it could be done, but extreme care should be taken because it is glass and quite fragile. I would have your dad, or someone who is qualified to do it if that is what you decide needs to be done. I don't think dad will be too happy if you were to break a $300.00 plus enclosure.
Don't drill the glass. In previous posts you were saving money for a Rudis. Use that money to buy a screen enclosure for your veiled. He will quickly outgrow that small glass terrarium in a matter of months. I've had my veiled for a little over a month now and he's already more than doubled in size. They grow like weeds!!!
Don't drill the glass. In previous posts you were saving money for a Rudis. Use that money to buy a screen enclosure for your veiled. He will quickly outgrow that small glass terrarium in a matter of months. I've had my veiled for a little over a month now and he's already more than doubled in size. They grow like weeds!!!
That's exactly what I am doing. I'm also buying auto mister because I can't always be home.
I just bought the Climist misting system from Coastal Silkworms. The system is reasonably priced at $100 with shipping. It's easily put together with basic tools and supplies. You'll need a 5 gallon bucket, a drill with a 9/16" bit, and tube cutters. They also offer a corner installment bracket in a screen cage for a small fee. It's been a great system so far. John is awesome and will answer any questions and provide any assistance necessary.
I've been using the Climist for 2 month and like it. Nothing to compare to however as this is my first Cham.
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