Does he look healthy?



I was just wondering if this Panther looks healthy.
It's from a friend of a friend.


Do you know what those black patches on both his sides are? I find those to be concerning. Weird shape for a burn, so I wonder if it's something like internal bruising or some sort of fungal infection
Do you know what those black patches on both his sides are? I find those to be concerning. Weird shape for a burn, so I wonder if it's something like internal bruising or some sort of fungal infection

He told me that it were burn marks incurred at his previous owner.
The 'friend of a friend' can no longer take care for him so I decided to adopt him anyway.

Besides, I think he looks okay, just wanted to know what you guys think.
Keep an eye on them. It can be difficult to distinguish the cause of black markings, so you should not take his word at face value. Keep an eye on them and if they get bigger, you will likely need to see a vet. Like I said, they don't look like what burns usually look like to me. The reason I'm telling you this is that, because of those marks, I would say that he does not look 100% okay. Not in immediate peril, but whatever caused those marks is potentially a problem you will have to deal with.
Odd place for burns...they are usually on the upper part of a cham. Definitely keep an eye on it and in the mean time check to see if there is a reptile vet in your area. I would have it checked for parasites since its care before you was questionable. Nice looking cham.
Look at him now! I'm so glad that I adopted him. The black spots were indeed burn marks as they do not grow any bigger whatsoever. The turrets look less baggy too. He's is the sweetest little guy ever and walks right up my arm whenever I open his enclosure.


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