dividing pothos..


Avid Member
i have one that is in a large pot and way too dense.. can i just cut it down the center getting two smaller plants? or will dividing it kill it? kinda like dividing hosta plants when they get ginormous....

thanks,, lisa
I'm pretty sure you can. With pothos you can take a clipping and just put it in water and it will grow, so I'm assuming it wouldn't harm it terribly. I like just getting a smaller one and letting it grow. By the end of the month some vines grow almost a foot.
Pothos divide

yes I divide them by pulling cutting at root to keep a thread or 2 intact then in h20 with a litt Mir gro OR that cut flower powder U add to h20. it helps get roots goin then plant in a good pottg soil like ORGANIC . Chas
I take mine out of the original pot and hose off all the original dirt. Then you can seperate the vines and make several plants to re-pot.
i have one that is in a large pot and way too dense.. can i just cut it down the center getting two smaller plants? or will dividing it kill it? kinda like dividing hosta plants when they get ginormous....
thanks,, lisa

I've divided one ruthlessly, just a chop down the middle, and it survived just fine.

You may like to take cuttings from the ends of the longer vines a few weeks prior to dividing the root ball.
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