

New Member
My Jackson's chameleon just had babies a few weeks ago, and she looks very skinny now. Since I've only had her since she was pregnant, I don't know what is normal.

She just seems very thin, though, and her coloring seems to have darkened a little.

I was wondering if it sounds like maybe she's dehydrated? And if she is, how can I make sure she gets enough water to correct this?

Anything will help. Thanks in advance.
If the white part of the poop is yellow instead of white you will know that she's dehydrated. Keep her well misted, have a dripper for her and give her some extra calcium the next few days.
Sometimes it takes ages to wait for a poop, so if you take a look at the skin- wrinkles are proof of lack of water as well as sunken eyes.
i would feed her some wax or butterworms to get her fatened up and if neccessary you can also inject your feeders with about one drop of water apiece, also it wouldnt hurt to keep the cage a little wetter for the time being , also some sun and a shot of liquid calcium would probably be a good idea, you want to work to get her back in shape as soon as possible, because its not uncommon for them to continue going downhill at this stage, i wouldnt go out and buy it just for this, but if you have any reptaid, a couple of drops might not be a bad idea either, just my 2c worth
Ditto above. Up your mistings and run a dripper 8-12 hours to give her plenty of chances to drink. Waxworms are great "fat kid food" and you can get them at nearly any petstore. I to love the Reptaid, but you should do just fine without it. Keep a close eye on her and let us know how she does. Congrats on the babies, and keep us posted on them as well!
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