Dart frog cage


New Member
I'm making a new cage for dart frogs, because even though iv had them in the past i didn't have much success and am looking to make a different one so i'm just looking for some guidance from frog owners who have had success.
yea im in a dart frog forum however i lost the password and havnt done whatever you have to do to get a new one.
A few hints from my experience with darts:
1. If your just starting out, simple set-ups are better. Work your way into the more complex terrariums. Frogs don't need water features etc, they are more for us.
2. Have your temps dialed in before you get your frogs. Even the most modest lighting can make a sealed off glass terarium too hot for frogs.
3. Don't run out of flies! It's easier to do than you think. Make extra cultures. Dust them regularly. The general consensus on supplementation for frogs is usually alot more than chameleons.

Thats all I can think of right now.
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