Cricket Enclosure


New Member
Awhile ago i read about a cricket enclosure one here and i cant seem to find the forum to it. I was wondering if anyone could post some pics or give me details about making a cricket enclosure? I'm kinda tired of going to the pet store every few days for crickets, i figured that next time i could just buy in bulk and keep them in a type of closure? Also, I was wondering what else I could feed my cham thats not so noisy and smelly :eek:

Any advice would be appreciated :D

Oh yah, i have a 3.5 month old male veiled cham.
if you want to switch feeders, I would say go with dubia roaches.

with the crickets you can put them in a bucket and have egg crates stacked vertically. cut them down so they cant jump out of the bucket.
as far as keeping feeders is concerned. dubia are hands sown the better choice over crickets , less smell , fairly quiet, waaay easier to keep than crickets, not fast, dont fly, cant climb glass or plastic , dont jump, less exoskeletal, hold up to dusting better and dont breed that well in temps under 85* raise dubia and just order cricks online once a month and let somebody else hassle with the little bstrds, its the only logical choice, i thought they would creep me out , but now they dont bother me near as much as crickets do.
thanks for some info, im not really too excited about roaches but i guess i could try some, im just afraid that they would get loose in the house or something :p i can handle crickets loose but not roaches haha.
thanks for some info, im not really too excited about roaches but i guess i could try some, im just afraid that they would get loose in the house or something :p i can handle crickets loose but not roaches haha.

Go with Dubia roaches, steer clear of lobster roaches, they will infest your house big time. Offer a variety and change it up often. Great easy feeders include: Silkworms(Larve and Moths), Dubia roaches, Crickets, Butterworms, Hornworms(Larve and Moths), Superworms, Blue Bottle Flies, and throw in a few Waxworms for treats.

As for the cricket bin, I use a 54 qt rubbermaid tub with a home made screen lid. I put egg flats and paper towel tubes for hides. Clean it once a week and keep them cool (80F).

I would go with Dubia roaches too. I was worried about them getting out and possibly finding them in places I didn't want to find them initially, but it really has not been a problem. In my experience with them, they have not very adventurous so when there is an escapee I always find it in the same room that I am housing them in.

Also, once you are familiar with the way they look it is way less "icky" when you find one at random that has escaped.
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