Crested Gecko Eggs!


Avid Member
My crested gecko Kitty laid eggs the other night on 6/25.

She retained sperm from before I had received her, because I have not kept her with a male.

They are fertile.

Unfortunately I don't think they will make it because the house is getting unimaginably hot..

I will post pictures in a bit!
Put them in a cooler with an ice pack and send them to me. :) lol

Congrats, how many did she lay?
Crested geckos only lay 2, unless they are eggbound and finally get the others out.

I would totally send them to you if the weather wasn't so hot.. but shipping eggs is bad.

Zoomed out and cropped so the quality is a bit better.
congrats on the eggs. sorry but i dont know what to do about the heat if you have air conditioning i would turn it on in the room with eggs or keep a fan near them.
We have a swamp cooler. It's 106 degrees outside and it's heating up the water so much even the cold water is steaming up the bathroom when I take a shower.. it's so hot.

The fan doesn't help because it only drops it maybe 2 degrees.

Even with 2 swamp coolers going it doesn't get below 78 degrees.
Hahaha. :D Silly Jo, we don't have basements in Arizona! No need.

We flood more than anything. No tornadoes, nothing.
You need a real AC Syn. :p

There are some really nice single room units that are very economical to operate and to purchase.
Well we just got a VERY expensive bill from our Crested Gecko, Puppy, getting a hemipenal prolapse.

We were planning on getting an incubator... and the roof isn't strong enough to hold a heavy AC unit, not to mention our park states that any AC units must be unseen by anyone else..

But we are hoping to get one from my sister and tell the people who own the park to bleep off, that it's hot.
No cellars in arizona? nobody drinks wine? Whatever, under the house anyway, or whatever is the coolest place, and prefrably inside an esky to insulate against excess heat.
Good luck with them, I have a gravid gecko about to drop eggs myself. I recently built an incubator out of an old fridge for the coming season, works great!
LOl, im not sure how you can break it? You just need a couple of low wattage bulbs/fittings and a good thermostat. A fan on its own thermostat wired in reverse over an opening louver vent will prevent overheating incase of thermostat failure (first) or can be used to circulate air ensuring even temperature if used in conjunction with the lights.
Syn, do you have a friend with AC that might hold onto the eggs during your heat wave? would be shame to loose them. maybe put 'em in a box with a cold pack?
She's not in a heatwave. Tis normal temps for AZ! Dang sand bunny:p

and the roof isn't strong enough to hold a heavy AC unit, not to mention our park states that any AC units must be unseen by anyone else..

Syn...These are more along the lines of what I was thinking. They do not hang out of a window, and are generally speaking more efficient then window shakers.

I feel you on the cash flow thing..maybe something to think about for next summer.
Hah yeah it's pretty hot everywhere.. and no one will hold on to them because they don't want the responsibility.

HOLY CRAP 400$?!?!?! *dies*
I'd rather not spend thousands of dollars on one, plus vet bills, plus the massive housing.. hahaha.
Oh sh*t

I just found two more eggs this morning. They were a little brown because they were probably laid overnight.

I'm wondering HOW they are fertile (I candled them) unless Kitty had retained eggs TWICE.. which is scary to think of.

The other female in there has never been with a male except when I FIRST got her, and didn't know any better.

My poor babies!

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