Crazy idea

Imprinting is done only through birds.
Imprinting also appears to exist in some precocial mammal species, such as the guinea pig (Hess 1959a; Shipley 1963).
Birds and mammals are born with a pre-programmed drive to imprint onto their mother.
Imprinting is a type of learning that happens very early in a dog’s life.
There's more.

No reptiles have parental care other than crocodilians. They may raise eggs but they do not raise young.
Prehensile-tailed skinks exhibit the most extreme example of parental care among lizards. These large, nocturnal lizards give birth to live young. Baby prehensile-tailed skinks remain with their parents for a period of six months to one year following their birth. During this time, both parents will actively defend the young from predators.

And it's been argued that birds are reptiles.

Hey, I was trying to be supportive of what you are trying to do rather than expressing skepticism.
But if you want to shoot down the support.... ?‍♂️
There's more.

And it's been argued that birds are reptiles.

Hey, I was trying to be supportive of what you are trying to do rather than expressing skepticism.
But if you want to shoot down the support.... ?‍♂️

I feel sorry for the skinks. They are born as mid size skinks, like 1/3-1/2 adult weight. its more like they go through mitosis and then the little buggers keep hanging around for some reason.
My chameleons know that the rattling can means powdering crickets.
My tegu has finally learned that sammich bag noises means meatballs are coming.
Those are variations on Pavlov's (conditioned) response, aren't they?

There's an old joke about catching a rabbit by hiding behind a bush and making a noise like a carrot, but most anyone who's kept guinea pigs knows they raise a ruckus at the sound of cellophane (what veggies are wrapped in) or a vegetable grater.

My beardie knows where the num-numz are kept and when they're coming, so it doesn't surprise me other reptiles catch on. :)
Those are variations on Pavlov's (conditioned) response, aren't they?

There's an old joke about catching a rabbit by hiding behind a bush and making a noise like a carrot, but most anyone who's kept guinea pigs knows they raise a ruckus at the sound of cellophane (what veggies are wrapped in) or a vegetable grater.

My beardie knows where the num-numz are kept and when they're coming, so it doesn't surprise me other reptiles catch on. :)

You just had to remind me of the horrors of owning a guinea pig... At least you can train a dog to quit barking. But oh no do not walk by the guinea tub if you are trying to stealth like. Even the bunnies will start "thumping" at you for food and attention :)
You just had to remind me of the horrors of owning a guinea pig... At least you can train a dog to quit barking. But oh no do not walk by the guinea tub if you are trying to stealth like. Even the bunnies will start "thumping" at you for food and attention :)
Heh, heh, heh... :p

BT-DT. Dog won't bark, but he'll still sniff around with that "wistful" look and bashful (yet hopeful) wag.
Cats OTOH... they'll meow til you throw something, then come back and meow some more... ?
@saradoggy10 You said..."No reptiles have parental care other than crocodilians. They may raise eggs but they do not raise young"...while there are not many egg laying species of reptile that show parental care...there are lots that have live birth that show parental care.
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