colorss of a cham


New Member
So I have a panther he's 6 almost 7 months old and was wondering when do they start to fire up in colors? When mine gets mad he goes black. His neutral color is light blue green with blue bars and some red spots on his belly. So he's getting his colors slowly.
Let him see his self in the mirror he should fire up then.

That brings up a question how do thewse chams born in captivity even know how a other cham looks like if they never see themselves in the mirroe before? Is it because they rember being with their siblingins when babys?
That brings up a question how do thewse chams born in captivity even know how a other cham looks like if they never see themselves in the mirroe before? Is it because they rember being with their siblingins when babys?

Instinct, i would have thought, they see it as a threat,

My panther only just fully fired up the other day, he is 9 months old, and i have never seen him fire like it before.

He does nothing if you put him in front of the mirror.just looks lol but then again he is so placid,
My veiled fires up at me all the time. I just look at him and he freaks out. My panther generally only fires up when he sees my guinea pigs or is forced to take a shower without a dry retreat. My baby girl puffs up when I blow/breathe on her. My manly super Pygmy fires up at my finger! :)
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