Colors that chameleons hate


Avid Member
Hey everyone!
I want to start a research paper on chameleon reactions to colors and why they do what they do and was trying to create a list of the most common colors chams dont like. I know 2 are black and red but are there any others that you guys know of? Im going to test with a variety if colors but just wanted to see what colors your chameleons hate the most.
Hey everyone!
I want to start a research paper on chameleon reactions to colors and why they do what they do and was trying to create a list of the most common colors chams dont like. I know 2 are black and red but are there any others that you guys know of? Im going to test with a variety if colors but just wanted to see what colors your chameleons hate the most.
Black and red? Well now i know why my chameleon had a mood swing. He hated my red hair and the fact that i wear black alot wasn't a very good thing either! He's warmed up to me and now he hates it when i leave him alone.
I have my enclosure down in basement by the washer and dryer. Yoshima my ambilobe reacts to me with my shirt off more actually. Guess he doesn't like pasty white skin. Hahaha other than that no difference with different colors. But interesting thread.
My veiled chameleon has a very discernible hatred for my red colored shirts.
Ditto, I my favorite shirt to wear around the house is red. I cover it with a robe, and he crawled out for the first time, on my arm and around the robe to my other arm. It's a dark robe with purple thingy's that my parents gave me.
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