Classified ads etiquette


New Member
Im sure some of you will appreciate this, maybe:rolleyes:

When replying to a classified ad there is some etiquette you should follow.

First. What I like to call "picture collecting" is not good etiquette. At most you need 2 pictures of the animal to know the shape it is in. You do not need to keep asking for more pics and more pics especially if you have no interest in buying.

Second. "Information hoarding". I have no problems answering questions and Im sure no one else does who advertises. The problem is when one asks 100 questions with no intention in even buying the animals at that time.

If you are curious on husbandry there is a search function on this forum. I have no problems discussing my husbandry techniques but when one acts like they are interested in a certain animal just to get the information and not reply or say they were just wondering is ANNOYING! Nobody has the time for picture collectors or information hoarders.

Hope this helps calm some of you down and helps out others who have the same problem.
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