Chyna is Digging!


New Member
Chyna the Nosy Be is digging! She dug yesterday and covered the hole, but I went through the container and nothing. :confused: She went down to her container first thing this morning and within an hour had dug to the bottom!

Keep you fingers croosed that Evil Chamevel will be a Dad soon! :)
I just dug up the container again-no eggs :(-she isn't 30 days until the 12th-so I am not worried, just ready to see eggs!
Well-I looked at her this morning and I thought she looked like she had laid, but before I could start going through the container she is back in there digging again! I hope to have a good update later today!
Oh well, if Chyna is putting so much effort into making the hole perfect then she must have a perfect clutch on the way.:D

My guess is 29 eggs but 1 infertile.
And....She is still digging. Yesterday she collapsed a hole and I pulled her out hissing. I use Bed-A-Beast with a little sand for laying substrate, so she probably could have gotten out OK. So I moistened the substrate and already today she has dug to the bottom twice. She is still not at 30 days, so no worries, just impatience!
Try putting a little organic soil in the mix to make it a little firmer, she might not like the consistancy of the laying container.
I can't wait to make a purchase of you again!!!! :D Im looking for nosy be or ambanja. No more chams for me now but definately next year!!
congrats on the eggs Julirs! I'm sure the daddy and mommy will be proud parents by next year :D
Hope everything will be fine ! :) I used only playsand at the nearest playground, workes perfectly :)
2 months later and Chyna double clutches-36 perfect, calcified, gleaming white eggs! :) Nosy Be's anyone????
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