Chameleon size and MBD???


New Member
I just read something regarding chameleon size and MBD.
My little guy is about a year and a half and he stopped growing about 6 months ago and is about 5" long (excluding tail length).
Just recently read an article about chameleons that stop growing due to MBD.
He seems fine, loves climbing everywhere just like always and he doesn't look unhealthy and gets all his supplements. He just seems a lot smaller than most male veiled chams I've seen.
Just wanted some info on this and if he is too small for a Cham of his age and what to do about it.

Also to avoid starting a million posts, where do you guys buy silkworms? What companies do you prefer?


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I don't see any signs of MBD. Usually the chameleon size is not going to be the first sign of MBD but more of a result of it. You would see some of the other signs well in advance (broken bones, weak grip, deformed limbs, etc.). I do agree that he is a bit small for a veiled, but not necessarily an issue. After about 10 or 11 months of age my boy really slowed down his eating. He is not as "plump" as many others I've seen but they are all a bit different. I would not want him over eating either.

How much did he eat when he was younger?

As for silkies, there are a few forum sponsors here that I've purchased from and didn't have any issues.
Also, he may still be growing a bit. Unless you are weighing him its tough to monitor growth at that age.
Thank you! I just wanted more info after reading that :)
He ate around 6-7 small crickets when he was younger. He still seems to eat a lot, 4-5 medium crickets a day. Since he still eats quite a bit, is that a sign that he still is growing?
He probably could have eaten a bit more when he was younger, but from what I see he could still be growing.
IMHO slow growth is not necessarily a bad can actually decrease the chances of developing MBD sometimes since rapid growth demands more nutrients to keep up with the fast growth so you have to really be on top of the property amounts of supplements, etc.
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