cham drawing by my 5yr old neice


Friendly Grasshopper
So my niece drew this for Camo, not me the "meleon" :rolleyes::)

had to share i love it:D:D

Thats awesome! A great drawing, indeed!

I couldn't help but notice its eating a ladybug. Poor chameleon. :p :D
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That's pretty good for a 5 year old. My frig is hanging full of cham art work from a friend's 8 year old.
DANG...........pretty darn good for a 5 year old.

Like Jann, we've got a regrigerator thats full of pictures of our little "Flash". As a matter of fact, I think they even used some sidewalk chalk and made one or two out in the driveway back earlier in the fall.
i drew a pic of REX when he was a baby ill try and post a pic but can some one tell me how to upload it like that on?
i tried the mountain dont let me i did the paper clip and it said ok uploading... and it never uploaded?
i use facebook, upload it to there than open image copy the url under proporties and paste over the link in the upload image icon on here.
What a great job!!!!! So much detail by even adding the tongue caching the bug!!!

Don't want to take this off topic ... but can someone please tell me what is the worry about ladybugs please.
Very cute! I love it :)

@ Robin, lady bugs are toxic as are firefly's and some other bugs :(
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