CB Akia digging her nest

Have you been weighing her?

I agree, Megana's annual weight arc will tell you a lot about her inner workings. That's how I've tracked my female melleri over the years. The weights in the 4-5 months following the gravid months are the neutral.

A healthy melleri like Akia will barely look tired after a clutch that size. Merlin was the same last year. :)

Well, it's a whole lot easier process for Akia, passing small infertiles, lol! Akia did have a short shower right before that last pic, you can tell it washed off the dirt. I was worried at how skinny her legs looked in one of the nest pix, then that shower re-inflated her like a balloon.

Time to go feed this girl, thanks everyone! I wish learning about chameleons did not come at the cost of personal stress quite so frequently.:rolleyes:
I'm glad Akia is doing well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for those eggs.

It's good to play it safe! Have you been weighing her? I was doing the same with Merlin earlier this year. She also suddenly changed color and stayed pale for 2 months, she also gained 40 grams in that time. In my case it was false alarm: after 4 months I took her to the vet for an ultrasound and that revealed no eggs, unfortunately.

A healthy melleri like Akia will barely look tired after a clutch that size. Merlin was the same last year. :)

Yes, I weighed her in August, and then again today. Her previous highest recorded weight was 510 (on 4/30/2008). I was concerned about her gaining weight so fast after we aquired her (she weighed 405 in March), and that I was over feeding her, and so cut her back to fewer bugs, every other day. On August 6th, after being on the reduced diet since May, she weighed 540, and today she weighs 545 (immediately after pooping). Still seems to be gaining.

It seems so unlikely that she would have another clutch at this time of year. She only just laid an 83 egg clutch for Mike in Feb/Mar 2008. But, Kristina, I do remember you saying that being with Hercules could stimulate her to cycle again, and that it is not unheard of. I can't say that we are really wanting a clutch of Melleri this year, but we did purchase her to be a mate for the lonely Hercules.

They were very chummy the last week of may. But I didn't notice any color change until some time in July.

She climbed down and sat above her bin again today.
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All went moldy....

... except ONE. Not holding my breath for it, though.

Better luck this year to my friends in melleri!

It's been over 30 days now, and Nemo the single egg is still hanging in there.

I had to replace the lid to that box because it had cracked and was letting moisture escape. I added a wee bit of water, hopefully just the right amount.

Month 2, if it's fertile, will show some slight growth. We'll see...:rolleyes:
That's great!
Have you ever tried / had any luck with candling melleri eggs?

I've tried, but they are equipped with such a quantity of dense yolk, all you can see is a big yolk blob. :)

This morning, the cabinet temp dipped into the 60'sF, so I moved Nemo to the "winter" incubation cabinet where my 05's hatched.
I've tried, but they are equipped with such a quantity of dense yolk, all you can see is a big yolk blob. :)

This morning, the cabinet temp dipped into the 60'sF, so I moved Nemo to the "winter" incubation cabinet where my 05's hatched.

Maybe that cabinet will give is a positive aura and it will hatch.;)
It depends on the species... veins always "yes"... but sometimes pink means "no"...

Unrelated perhaps, but I think I mentioned a couple of this clutch's eggs being externally pinkish... those went almost overnight. My brain is tired, I'm too lazy right now to look it up.:rolleyes:

My 05's yolks were so thick, it looked like a big gray blob shadow when I candled them.

I'm not going to candle Nemo, I am enjoying the suspense.
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