Can we change pet stores?


Chameleon Enthusiast
Site Sponsor
Hey all!
I do a daily VLog on YouTube and today I touched on the topic of what we can do about the conditions in pet stores and how we should approach the problem from a holistic perspective. Berating the pet store employee just might not be the most effective approach!
I would like to hear from people here who have gotten involved at the local level. What did you do and how did it work out?

Here is a link to the video for my perspective
Improving Pet Store Care

VLog 45.jpg

And, if you want to start your day with some chameleon goodness you are welcome to join the live chat during the first showing of each VLog episode at 5AM Pacific time on YouTube!
Its simple, they are a pet "supplies" store. They are not meant to supply "pets". U want a pet, look at the bulletin board at checkout with all the local breaders posting.
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