Can uvb bulb be cause of mbd


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I came across a post saying this bulb is the cause of mbd does anyone have knowledge on this I thought uvb is uvb... the t5-t8 bulbs just cover way more and better right? And these types just more a spot light of uvb? But can it really be the cause of mbd


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T5 and T8 linear bulbs are best since the cover a wider area with UVB light allowing the chameleon more options for finding a spot to perch. Those compact bulbs arent the best since the UVB light is so focused. I believe that the reptisun bulbs in the past were faulty and didnt emit the advertised UVB or something like that. Ive also read it caused eye problems but the company has since corrected the issue.
That is a reptisun 10.0. Even with it being a crappy CFL (most of the light just reflecting off its self, or the hood), its still putting out more uvb that the vita-lights we had in the 1990's, and we didnt get MBD back then. Just keep up with the 2x a month D3 supplement and you will be fine. The first gen bulbs put out way too much non terrestrial uvc and caused eye problems. However they were recalled, and that was pushing 10 years ago.

At the end of the day, you will get the most bang for your buck if you go with a single linear tube with reflector, it will litterally be putting out 10x more light and uvb into the cage, for the same wattage.
i was just wondering I saw a post on Facebook this lady's Cham has mbd well I'm not sure if it's mbd I'm no vet but she posted that pic of what she used for uvb and a guy said it's wrong and that's the reason of mbd and I've never heard of that before so thought I'd bring it up here lol
I disagree that they need as much or more than a bearded dragon. That much with out very dense plant cover and more distance from the bulb is going to cause eye irritation.
If you had a huge cage and too much distance from your basking spot then maybe he'd be onto something. I say its the difference between adequate and optimum.
Yea see I didn't wanna argue it's Facebook where they know everything lol so I just left it and thought I'd ask about it on here since I use both types of bulbs thought maybe there was something I didn't know lol
I've been using the compact UVB bulbs since January on my veiled cage with no issues. Currently building his new adult cage which will have a linear bulb fixture for UVB.
The response when I said the bulb is fine
Well, that response is baloney and you can quote me. No bulb on its own is a CAUSE of MBD. The cause is a lot more complex than that but takes more brainpower to understand. Sounds like the spouting of someone who accepted media posts as husbandry gospel without engaging said brain. There might be one chameleon species that can tolerate as much or more UV than a beardie, but I doubt many of us are going to be keeping it any time soon (Chamaeleo namaquensis)!
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Oh later on some lady was saying with those bulbs that there's no uvb 6 inches down so therefore 0% uvb

Now that is is partially true. a 5.0 cfl going through screen, is going to be completely worthless 8-12" away. Even a linear tube 5.0 is going to be worthless 18" away.

Its why i recommend 10.0 T8 and 6% T5HO for 4-5ft cages, since the uv wont be worthless till mid cage. This way half the cage is a dead zone so the cham can regulate. Or you can just make it chuck full of plants and it can regulate in the shade :)
What would be the difference between t8 and t5 I use the t8 on my panthers but use the cfl on hatchlings it was just easier using cfl on the babies but it was cheaper going with the t8 bulb and fixture
What would be the difference between t8 and t5 I use the t8 on my panthers but use the cfl on hatchlings it was just easier using cfl on the babies but it was cheaper going with the t8 bulb and fixture

A T5HO is 33% more efficient, and double the wattage per foot. So its easily 4x more light/uv vs a T8, and if your t8 doesnt have a reflector(i have never seen a T5HO without one) you can get up to 10x more light vs a T8 with a normal white metal/plastic reflector. Its why no one recommends 12% T5HO's unless you have a meter.
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