Can someone confirm his locale


New Member
He was sell to me as an ambanja



Thanks :D
I got him from a locale breeader. I ask because he have an ambanja and a nosyfaly babies clutch together i dont know how he can indentifie them since they dont have any color in that moment. Also he was sell to me as a girl and result a boy lol.
I would say faly. Ambanaja usually have some form of purple or blue bars on them.

If you can get a picture of him fired up.
It looks to be a clear Nosy Faly to me (Whitish body, blue bars, red rain). There seems to be so much diversity under the name Ambanja that maybe he is, but he sure looks like a faly.

I have seen banjas with all colors under the sun. Is there a write up on the different types? (purple bar, blue bar, the ones that have every pastel color, the type that looks just like a faly haha)
Well i try but he is very pacific lololol. He dosent fire in the miror. And start to run when he se my blue bar. He is sheding right now here is a nother picture

I ask because he have an ambanja and a nosyfaly babies clutch together i dont know how he can indentifie them since they dont have any color in that moment.

Do you mean they have a clutch of Ambanjas crossed with Nosy Faly or a clutch of each all kept in the same cage?
If you want to breed him.. i wouldnt.

ANy breeder who keeps two different locales together, is irresponsible.

SOme locales have similar patterns and it can cause real issues, like the one you are facing now.
I Carnt see why so many people think faly, red rain doesn't mean faly the Cham has way more trates of a Ambanja with the light blues faly generally have a white body aswel not just bar
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