Can I feed a Meller’s chameleon a lizard?


New Member
We just purchased our first Meller’s a few days ago. He seems a little bit stressed, but I think he’s slowly settling in. He seems to have a good appetite, and is eating 15+ large crickets a day. I just caught an adult western fence lizard in my driveway. Would it be safe and/or advisable to feed it to the Meller’s? It is about four inches in length, including the tail.
If your Mellers is big enough andyouare sure that pesticides have not been use around your area lizards in general arein a Meller's natural diet...
OK, but please indulge me. What do you think would have happened had I fed the fence lizard to the chameleon (aside from the rather unpleasant prospect of him only eating half of it)? :D
main thing to worry about is parasites. The fence lizard likely has them and you can pass them on to your cham. I used to feed my veiled's newly born gecko's that are on our front porch. My chams started coming up positive on their fecals. I stopped feeding them to my chams about 4 months ago and their fecals have come up negative the last two months. I was only giving each cham one every month.
Yeah - it's better to not feed them lizards form here. It's not just the fact that it's parasites - it's alien parasites. As in not the kind the animal is used to dealing with.

but melleri will eat themselves some vertebrates. I've seem Ardi eye up some aubadult veields I have... he would eat them, I'm sure.
I almost didn't say parasites because of the phenomenon that a lot of new world parasites do not effect old world animals.
However, I always play the better safe than sorry card and surely there are some parasites that could come into play.

A freind of mine lost 20 leopard geckos - most of which were over 20 years old - when a lizard-sitter dug up and fed them some earthworms from the backyard. There was some sort of parasite in the worms that killed all of them. He had a vet look, and they were just overrun. Can't remember if it was a worm or protozoan.
Melleri love vertebrates. Veileds do too. My brother, when we were young, was the type that got a kick out of feeding mammals to reptiles. Sick little.......

He fed my male a few fuzzy mice here and there.

My friend owned a reptile store in NJ, and we were trying to get his new parsonii to eat some more. We gave it a mouse. Quickest mouse-death I've seen in a reptile. Flattened it right out.

I've been told that melleri just LOVE brevs in the wild - they climb down mango trees for them. The rotting fruit bring in bugs, which bring in brevs... it's a buffet.
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