Cage substrate


New Member
I know and have learned that putting a substrate in the bottom of a cage can be bad mildew fungus the likes but has anyone ever tried to use this

I am currently in the design and build phase of my own cage project that I am hoping will be done by the time Rheagar is ready to move into a Big boy cage. I was considering putting this down in the bottom of the cage with a drain pan under it so that it would look like there was grass in the cage that the Plants were growing out of what do you all think ?
Generally speaking ANY sort of substrate at the bottom of the cage is a bad idea. That being said, there have been a few posts recently on the topic of artificial grass and the overall verdict seems to be if the grass is attached firmly to the matting, or whatever, and the cham can't eat it, you should be fine.
if you can easily remove it to wash it on a regular basis, and if bugs cannot hide in it (or eat it), and if water drains through it, I dare say it would be satisfactory to use.
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