New Member
Today my gravid female started digging. My mother said she might have been butt down in the hole. I told her before not to disturb her if she sees her digging so she didnt get a good enough look to know for sure. Mom said she was digging, then she was at the top, then she was in the hole but from a distance couldnt tell which angle she was sitting at. One side of the laying bin looks more like a canyon than a hole. I am pretty positive that the sand and soil mixture was moist enough to hold a tunnel. She doesnt look much thinner & is still holding gravid colors. Im not sure if she layed or not. What im wondering is, Should i just let her be, or should i check the bin? I was told that the eggs cant be moved after 24 hours but on the other hand im afraid to disturb the bin if shes just digging test holes. Once a female lays her eggs will her gravid colors go away right away? How much skinnier is a female supposed to look? Will i see much difference if she produced a small clutch?
Sorry if this sounds like psychobabble but this is my first time & im kinda over excited. Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks for your patience.
Sorry if this sounds like psychobabble but this is my first time & im kinda over excited. Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks for your patience.