Big Problem


New Member
Ok guys, so unfortunatly a couple of months ago i lost a job witch left me working part time, i have bareley gotten enough shifts as it is and im slowly saving up my vet funds again, Today i noticed that Patches was really weak, ate 2 crickets but did not even have enough strength to to pull in her tounge witch made her have to use her whole body to catch the cricket, I found eggs in the moss i had taken out from the previous owner yesterday witch im assuming why she looks soooo dehydrated and weak. I dont know what to do :( Shes turned pale and has her eyes closed every couple of min or so... i tried to get her to eat but shes really weak and only ate the two crickets, i seen her drink a little water off the leaves but shes so weak and she just pooped and shes really dehydrated, Should i use a syringe to put some water into her? I feel terrible, I wanted to rescue her but i didnt think she would be so sick. What can i do! I cant take her to a vet and im desperate to save her!


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Go to the store and get some Pedilyte to re-hydrate her or put her in the shower. The main thing is hydration and she will need some vitamins.
Try variety. Just like humans, some chams are picky about food. When im sick, I like hot soups over everything else (I think) but if some one were to give me some fillet mignon but I wasn't in the mood for it, but there was nothing else to eat, I guess I would have to.

My chams go crazy over silk worms and goliath (tomato) worms. I heard goliath worms have alot of juices in them that would hydrate your cham. Maybe get a needle and inject the worm with pedialyte (draetish had the good Idea of inducing pedialyte). Don't, how ever, find a tomato worm outside, they eat the tomato leaves which have toxins that could make your cham sick. Go to your local pet store and pick some up. They are about $1, expensive for a feeder, but you wouldn't feed your sick child crackers would you? (I was just kidding about the last part lol =O)
Try variety. Just like humans, some chams are picky about food. When im sick, I like hot soups over everything else (I think) but if some one were to give me some fillet mignon but I wasn't in the mood for it, but there was nothing else to eat, I guess I would have to.

My chams go crazy over silk worms and goliath (tomato) worms. I heard goliath worms have alot of juices in them that would hydrate your cham. Maybe get a needle and inject the worm with pedialyte. Don't, how ever, find a tomato worm outside, they eat the tomato leaves which have toxins that could make your cham sick. Go to your local pet store and pick some up. They are about $1, expensive for a feeder, but you wouldn't feed your sick child crackers would you? (I was just kidding about the last part lol =O)

Thats a really good idea buuuut iv never seen thoes worms in any pet stores around here. Iv seen Horn Worms but rarley, maybe ill see if there is any horn worms today and try to inject them
How would i give this to her? and how mcuh?

Get the unflavored and give her about a teaspoon full in a dropper and just drip it into her mouth slowly. Give her time to swallow so you don't drown her. when a cham turns their head up, they are swallowing so just give her time to. Maybe do it in small increments. If you have any ReptiAid that would be another good remedy along with lots of calcium and vitamins.
All reptiles will have silks, they might have horn worms.
I'd probably also pick up 3-4 butter and wax worms.

Just try a few of everything, see if she'll eat anything more then others.

She looks really frail in that picture, get a weight on her. See how low it is :(
Get the unflavored and give her about a teaspoon full in a dropper and just drip it into her mouth slowly. Give her time to swallow so you don't drown her. when a cham turns their head up, they are swallowing so just give her time to. Maybe do it in small increments. If you have any ReptiAid that would be another good remedy along with lots of calcium and vitamins.

Is there some way i can give her like suppliments and vitimines without dusting crickets?
All reptiles will have silks, they might have horn worms.
I'd probably also pick up 3-4 butter and wax worms.

Just try a few of everything, see if she'll eat anything more then others.

She looks really frail in that picture, get a weight on her. See how low it is :(

ya im gunna run to all reptiles today, and ill weigh her right now
Ya i just weighed my male at 7 months and he is 70 grams. I dunno if females are usually alot smaller but that is a big difference between 7 months and a year and a half!

When I got my first female from harry at around 4-5 months she was 29g. At 12mo while gravid she peaked at 89g, laid last month was down under 70g, now aug 1st she was back weighting in at 70g).
My other female (that I think I have the age wrong on) I got her at 11g, following month 16g, then 22g, 35g! 46g and now is at 52g this month.

Unfortunately I think we have a better idea of why those people cut you a deal :(
When I got my first female from harry at around 4-5 months she was 29g. At 12mo while gravid she peaked at 89g, laid last month was down under 70g, now aug 1st she was back weighting in at 70g).
My other female (that I think I have the age wrong on) I got her at 11g, following month 16g, then 22g, 35g! 46g and now is at 52g this month.

Unfortunately I think we have a better idea of why those people cut you a deal :(

Well i definatly know she was not well taken care of, like i said i found eggs, some moldy that have been there for who knows how long, i just wish i got her earlier! Im gunna give her a shower right now and see how that goes
Well i definatly know she was not well taken care of, like i said i found eggs, some moldy that have been there for who knows how long, i just wish i got her earlier! Im gunna give her a shower right now and see how that goes

Don't try everything under the sun as fast as possible though.
At that size, the stress could have some pretty negative effects on her.
Definitely see if you can get an appetite going and try to get her drinking.
Do you know if she was ever bred before you got her? My fear after seeing those eggs she dropped is that its possible she's retained several eggs inside. She needs a vet visit now. I know you dont have the funds but maybe you can borrow some $$$. She needs an x-ray to see if shes retained a partial clutch of eggs. If you cant afford the x-rays I would still take her in and get her a shot of oxytocin to see if she will drop more eggs. If they start to mold and rot inside of her the chances of saving her are miniscule. Jmo but also a sad fact.
Don't try everything under the sun as fast as possible though.
At that size, the stress could have some pretty negative effects on her.
Definitely see if you can get an appetite going and try to get her drinking.

well i just took her in the shower to mist her a little and she was drinking ALOT, witch is a good sign.

And Texas Panther Man Its going to be reeeeeally hard but ill try my best to see what i can do about getting her to a vet. Not to sound like i dont care but i just dished out 200 bucks to try and save her, so if i cant get the money and she dies she dies all i can say is awell, because she was a rescue. If i raised ehr frmo a baby then i would make it my mission to get her to a vet but i highly doubt she would of made it with her previous owner much longer so at least i can say i tried :(.
Do you have a vet you use already? If so I would call him/her and tell them the story and see if they will make up some oxytocin shots for you without paying for a full exam. Its worth a try, because if shes egg bound shes going to die a slow painful death. The previous owner obviously stuck you with his poor husbandry issues. Regardless though now shes your responsibility. Unfortunately you will be the one to make the hard choices now because of the original owners hap hazard way of keeping her. At least shes drinking and that is a good sign. Shows she has some strength left. How is her grip has it gotten any weaker since you got her?
Do you have a vet you use already? If so I would call him/her and tell them the story and see if they will make up some oxytocin shots for you without paying for a full exam. Its worth a try, because if shes egg bound shes going to die a slow painful death. The previous owner obviously stuck you with his poor husbandry issues. Regardless though now shes your responsibility. Unfortunately you will be the one to make the hard choices now because of the original owners hap hazard way of keeping her. At least shes drinking and that is a good sign. Shows she has some strength left. How is her grip has it gotten any weaker since you got her?

ya i should give him a call, and yea i know shes my responsibility and im more than willing to help her its just the funds are low atm :\ her grip is fairly good, not the strongest but she holds on. My male panther is in perfect health but he does not grip hard at all, but at the same time he grips alot stronger than her
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