Bibbity Bob


New Member
well its been a while since ive visited here so what better then some recent photos of Bob taken literally 5minutes ago :p photo's taken with my phone so excuse the quality









Yes his still a whoppa of a chameleon touching approx 24" snout to tail tip
Yes his still a mardy git who doesnt want to come out but food works everytime :rolleyes:
Not sure on weight my lizard scales have broken D; last time i weighed him he was about 180g's i think
Yes his still a mardy git who doesnt want to come out but food works everytime :rolleyes:

Huh? Is that something I should moderate? :D

In all seriousness, that's got to be one of the biggest calyptratus I've ever seen. What a monster! I bet he weighs a LOT more than 180g now. The pics look good enough to tell he's a very colorful, well-taken care of lizard. Great job!
Huh? Is that something I should moderate? :D

In all seriousness, that's got to be one of the biggest calyptratus I've ever seen. What a monster! I bet he weighs a LOT more than 180g now. The pics look good enough to tell he's a very colorful, well-taken care of lizard. Great job!

LOLZ his just mardy doesnt like coming out, tries to bite etc...

his somewhere in the 200's now id say and thats a decent colour for him when his out usually spotty and dark :rolleyes:

Thanks guys!
Thanks for the English translation. Haha! I almost forgot to ask, do you happen to know how close he is to the wild-caught generations? I'm guessing, with his size, pretty close.
Thanks for the English translation. Haha! I almost forgot to ask, do you happen to know how close he is to the wild-caught generations? I'm guessing, with his size, pretty close.

Urm i cant help you with any of that, he was the smallest of the clutch and I got him from a petshop :p so know nothing about his history
Nope his not the smallest any more, the had his brother in the shop for a few months after i bought Bob and Bob over took him by at least quarter of the size x]
Bob is HUGE!!! Anything special that you fed him in his early days, or did he just eat everything in site???
urm no actually he was fairly pickey, he took crickets to start him off he wouldnt take baby locusts but when he did he loved them, never gave him wax worms, he had the occasional meal worms, he now eats locusts, super giant meal worms and dubia roaches
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