Ben's Home



I was going to post this on another thread since it seems silly to keep starting threads for each chameleons home but I didn't want someone being upset if I used their thread.:( I have a 65 gallon Reptarium, single young male. New 5.0 tube, 1 daylight bulb, and one heat bulb in a tri light/hood. THere is currently substrate on the floor. I was just recently advised to remove it but I have yet to have the chance as I need my husbands help (these things get heavy!). He has 2 live pothos that i got him this morn..He likes to sit on the vine above and stare at them.:) his crock is in the back corner where he eats. He climbs back and forth all the time, sometimes even hanging upside down.:) I havent found a "tree" small enough yet They all are taller than the cage. I have a ponytail palm but its rather pointless as its center is the only stable part on it. Im heading off to Lowes and Home Depot to see if they have anything available. Its about 2.5 feet off the ground on a bench at the end of our bed. Next to it is a 10 gall hex with my Red Eye in it if anyone is curious.:) Thanks guys!.

And Ben, he is shy and doesnt like the camera.
Apparently Ben's home is perfect! No one has said anything bad! Yay! :)
Oh now you asked for it!..jk :D

Looks good , only thing I would change is remove the stuff on the bottom. No substrate just bare floor. easy to clean and keeps out the bacteria.

Will also help prevent accidental impaction.
Yea, I only have one heat.. Okay, I know to remove that. Ill get on it tonight.. I changed out the UV bulb and put it on its own fixture. I have a bi light with 2 daylight bulbs (I think like sunlight 60w each) and then I put a heat light in one corner.. DOes that sound right? :) Im so scared to screw this up!!
Yea, I only have one heat.. Okay, I know to remove that. Ill get on it tonight.. I changed out the UV bulb and put it on its own fixture. I have a bi light with 2 daylight bulbs (I think like sunlight 60w each) and then I put a heat light in one corner.. DOes that sound right? :) Im so scared to screw this up!!

All you need to do is have a UVB tube bulb (reptisun 5.0) on the top and a single regular house bulb (60w) or so in a clamp lamp to provide the basking spot.

Unless it gets really cold in your house. Say below 60 than no other heat is needed. Not at night and not during the day. Just to be clear there are no lights needed at night unless it gets below 60 degrees. You actually want to give them a cool off period at night. Just like they would in nature.

The idea is to simulate the suns heat in one spot of the cage and allow a place to escape if he is to get to warm.

its not a very clear shot but you can see what I am doing with the 2 lights.

Oh, I dont know to simulate daylight.. Alright, well that will save on my electric bill.:)
Oh last Q.. I bought Ben a big tree today.. a live one.. now/ can I get him out of his cage without overly stressing him out and losing a finger in the process? :)
The reason you see the raising kitty site on every thread is because brad has paid everyone on this forum off to keep posting it.:eek:just kiddin its the perfect how to guide to veileds though!
screameleons posted a how to pick up your cham thread can some one find it please i dont know how to do all this computer crap
The reason you see the raising kitty site on every thread is because brad has paid everyone on this forum off to keep posting it.:eek:just kiddin its the perfect how to guide to veileds though!

Haha..:)( Thats like the Magic Answer..and whoever types it first gets a cookie! MMm..Cookie! :) I did read the lighting part of it though and will go through the rest later on.. Very neat..Kitty is very, handsome.
screameleons posted a how to pick up your cham thread can some one find it please i dont know how to do all this computer crap

LMAO! Im with yoU! I search and I get 51 pages!! thats a whole lot of going through for a newbie!
Okay, Im still trying to figure out an estimate of Ben's age. When I got him, he lived in a 40 gallon tank on its side in the back of a closet. The chick went to grab him and he hissed so she decided to grab the plant he was on and shake it til he came off.:( I was going to walk away as he looked really sick, but I couldn't after seeing that and knowing that he would die back there. i have since done as you can see on this thread and was told he looks healthy which is awesome! Here are some pics of him to try to give you an idea of how big he is and just some I took this morn while he is hanging out in the LR on his plant watching Jurassic park. LOL..:) BTW, I have the hands of a 10 year old.:)

He hisses at me with bare hands but doesnt seem to be bothered when I go in with a white glove..He definately doesnt like being handled..anything I can do to make this better?
I am not seeing Ben's heel spurs and his coloring suggests female??? It is a beautiful blue though-I would say 6-9 months old.
LMAO! Im with yoU! I search and I get 51 pages!! thats a whole lot of going through for a newbie!

Here ya go: How To Handle A Chameleon

Glad to see you're not giving up on Chameleons, I was just reading about what you went through with Betty. Having a male this time should make your life a little easier:)
He's a cutie, I really hope you don't have any problems with this guy, that would be very discouraging for you right now

Have fun with Ben:D
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