Baby Ampiskiana Panthers!!


New Member
Hi all:)
Some bambinos!





Hey.. :)

I just looked up Ampiskiana panthers, because I had not a fricking clue as to what coloring they would be when they grew up.

So, I looked at a bunch of sites.. and I still don't.

Here is one site that has them.. nice green bars, U shaped bar in the center.. good looking panthers. I thought to myself, oh, well, there they are.

Then, I looked at this site. I thought to myself.. well, those look a whole heck of a lot like ambilobes to me..?

Now, here is another picture of a supposed Ampiskiana.. and doesn't that look like a fricking red bar ambilobe?!

And another.. that looks like an ambilobe to me again.

One more.. again, it looks like an amazingly colored ambilobe to me.

So, since there are so many different presentations of the Ampiskiana.. what the heck is it? What are its defining features? What region of the island does it come from, and what color is it supposed to be?

Thanks for the link.

A locality from the mainland of northwest Madagascar near the islands of Nosy Mitsio and Nosy Ankarea. Specimens from this locale tend to look like a cross between males from Ambilobe and Nosy Mitsio. Display coloration tends to be a yellow base coloration with green bars and red eye turrets. Red barring in the gular and ventral areas are also known.

It seems the first pictures match this description, with the green bars. The only thing that seems a bit bizarre is the U shaped bar, so indicative of the Sambava.

The others, though, they have red bars (or blue bars) without the U's. These are also acceptable for Ampiskiana? If that is the case, what must an ambilobe look like?


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Heika, good to see you active again! I have to admit I've been a bit confused about this locale for a little bit, myself. I read somewhere that the village was somewhere near Sambava in the east. :confused: Neither Google Earth nor my travel guides, natural history, Field Guides, etc show Ampiskiana on their maps but I've always wondered how they could have blue bars coming from that side of the island. Does anyone have a link or source to a map showing it?
Heika, good to see you active again! I have to admit I've been a bit confused about this locale for a little bit, myself. I read somewhere that the village was somewhere near Sambava in the east. :confused: Neither Google Earth nor my travel guides, natural history, Field Guides, etc show Ampiskiana on their maps but I've always wondered how they could have blue bars coming from that side of the island. Does anyone have a link or source to a map showing it?

Hey Kent, good to see you too. I decided to come out of lurk mode for a bit.. :)

It would make sense to me if the village is near Sambava, because the bars on the chams at Clean Line are 'U' shaped.. but they are green bars. Pretty animals. Now, I just found a map with the town on it, but NOW it doesn't make sense how they could be closely related to the Mitsio..?? Looks like the town is actually situated between Sambava and Ambilobe.

Here ya go..
Thanks for the link.


It seems the first pictures match this description, with the green bars. The only thing that seems a bit bizarre is the U shaped bar, so indicative of the Sambava.

The others, though, they have red bars (or blue bars) without the U's. These are also acceptable for Ampiskiana? If that is the case, what must an ambilobe look like?



Why does a U bar indicate sambava locality??? i have seen U bars on nosy mitsio's,ambilobies ambanjas,diego's.
I agree many sambavas show the u bar more often then not,but this is not the defining factor that the animal is from sambava.
Its all about the genetics,you seem to think that from an entire group of babys all will be identical?
If you don't like/trust/belive the locale Ampiskiana then thats your opinion. this locale has been avalible in europe for around 5 years.
Madagascar is big and collection panthers from new areas results in new locales whether you like it or not.
Im sorry but there is now alot more avalible then the classic Nosy be's,sambava's,tamatave's ambilobies and ambanjas

Kind regards
Oh wow they already have great markings even as babies!!! I love the yellow they have as adults!! keep me in mind when your clutch is ready!!:p

EDIT: man I just saw thast you are located in the UK. that sucks....No yellow baby for me after all!
Why does a U bar indicate sambava locality??? i have seen U bars on nosy mitsio's,ambilobies ambanjas,diego's.
I agree many sambavas show the u bar more often then not,but this is not the defining factor that the animal is from sambava.
Its all about the genetics,you seem to think that from an entire group of babys all will be identical?
If you don't like/trust/belive the locale Ampiskiana then thats your opinion. this locale has been avalible in europe for around 5 years.
Madagascar is big and collection panthers from new areas results in new locales whether you like it or not.
Im sorry but there is now alot more avalible then the classic Nosy be's,sambava's,tamatave's ambilobies and ambanjas

Kind regards

Well! I feel like I have been taken to task! :) Believe it or not, Luke.. I was not questioning your animals, or their locale. They look like healthy little babes, which is great.

I was simply trying to educate myself on the defining features for the locale, and haven't found a lot of similarities between any of the pictures I have seen. Of course different babies present a bit differently. However, when a sambava breeds with a sambava, we have a reasonable idea of what colorations the adult males will show. Mitsios.. nosy be.. ambilobe.. you can expect certain things. We have an idea of what to expect. Please, educate me. What does an Ampiskiana look like? What are the defining features? How do you identify it as seperate from another locale? Is it possible for you to show some of the adult pictures? I have no doubt you can tell the difference between this locale and others, but I am struggling.

Thanks for your assistance.. :eek:
Well! I feel like I have been taken to task! :) Believe it or not, Luke.. I was not questioning your animals, or their locale. They look like healthy little babes, which is great.

I was simply trying to educate myself on the defining features for the locale, and haven't found a lot of similarities between any of the pictures I have seen. Of course different babies present a bit differently. However, when a sambava breeds with a sambava, we have a reasonable idea of what colorations the adult males will show. Mitsios.. nosy be.. ambilobe.. you can expect certain things. We have an idea of what to expect. Please, educate me. What does an Ampiskiana look like? What are the defining features? How do you identify it as seperate from another locale? Is it possible for you to show some of the adult pictures? I have no doubt you can tell the difference between this locale and others, but I am struggling.

Thanks for your assistance.. :eek:

:D ok mate This is the best i can find for you ;)

These are the best pics on the net of ampiskiana from a trusted/well know breeder in europe

belive it or not my male did not have the u bar,and already i can see some of my babys do have the "u" bar and some have a "y" bar like dad

Kind regards and peace

Nice pics and fat little babies. Heika, a lot of those examples you posted links to look much more like an Ambanja before Ambilobe, to me at least. The last example, from the Euro site seems a dead on match to the animal that sold in the classifieds recently. Corrolation? Probably. Nice yellows in those guys. Good luck raising the babies.
So, are there any maps that show where Ampiskiana is that weren't created by a panther breeder? I've found a coastal village on the east coast, north of Sambava, near the spot on Clean Line's map, called Ampisikanana. It's pretty, too. I still can't find "Ampiskiana" on any other maps. :confused:

You did better then me kent,i tryd to find it on maps but only found what you found,im guessing that the name changes slighty (the I and K the other way round and an extra NA at the end) maybe a bit was lost in translation...who knows??
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