Are Veild Chameleon Morphs a good Chameleon to buy?

They have not proven to be fragile yet if you are speaking of something like transluscents (is that what your avatar is?). Color morphs-if that is what you speak of are simply that-color morphs-no strutural issues. :)
If your wondering if they are a good cham to own, I would have to say that they deffinatly are. I have 2 right now, male and female, while the female is a real piece of work (hates anything to do with human life), my male seems to be getting pretty use to me. I got him at a much younger age I think though.
If your wondering if they are a good cham to own, I would have to say that they deffinatly are. I have 2 right now, male and female, while the female is a real piece of work (hates anything to do with human life), my male seems to be getting pretty use to me. I got him at a much younger age I think though.


You have two translucents?

I think Ben might be a translucent. My husband and I were commenting on how pale he is..Not a bright green, like a pastel almost? I know NOTHING about him.. In fact I was told her was 3 years when I got him but thats not possible unless he was severely runted because he is small..Anyways, why would the color have to do with the species?
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