Ankaramy or Radama?

This guy doesn't look like most of the Ankaramy posted lately....... anyone know the difference?



I don't know the difference in the locale because I haven't looked to much into them, but that's what I remember seeing as Ankaramy when I first started looking at chameleons, then they started looking a bit different as time passed.

I'm going to watch this thread :) maybe it will be as fun as the last one you posted
I can't say I have experience with either locale, but
a)I was under the impression Radama is usaully more of an orange-ish-pink
b) I just don't like ankaramys, but if this guy is an ankaramy, then I may change my mind, WOW.
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I believe the Radama have more of an orange-y aspect. I'm not sure, but from the pictures I've seen of the two, its not worth distinguishing. THEY LOOK VERY SIMILAR.

I'm not 100%, so now I'm off hunting for information.

Update: Less pink-ish in the Radama, stronger reds and oranges.

Why not Ankaramy?

I've seen plenty of them like that coming in as WC Ankaramy over the years. Had a few myself. They always reminded me of bubble gum pink. Not sure why you don't think it looks like an Ankaramy.....I have seen WC Ankaramy come in in the last two years that are a deeper color of pink like a wine color. And ones with more of the gray in them too. I had one Ankaramy that was a wicked peachy pink/salmon color too. I believe that population clusters can have subtle coloration differences within the same locale. But then, I have not meticulously studied every single panther locale, so I probably don't know what I'm talking about ;)
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