Adult Female Ghost Mantis FS

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I'd like to sell my female ghost mantis. She's an adult, brownish in color, a magical species of mantis if you've never seen the, before. She laid an unferile ooth this month. I wanted to breed her but could not find an adult male.

Email me if you'd interested and would like to see photos. I haven't shot any recently. I'm asking $60 shipped. Not sure what the price of adult ghosts are these days but that's about what adult females used to sell for.

Ghost mantids are great feeders for chameleons since they come from madagascar, however as I've always said on this forum - feeding my ghost to my pet chameleon is the same to me as feeding my chameleon to my pet boomslang.

email me if you're interested!
[email protected]

I think I may be willing to trade for a sizable dubia colony. 120+.
Or a pygmy cham or two (I doubt that's a fair trade), or other cool bugs!
I will post a few pics tonight. They require a bit of heat, I have alamp on my terrerium. They do best with some airflow so the air isn't stagnant. And then a spray of water every couple days and a handful of crickets now and then. It'll actually only eat a cricket or two every now and then. Sometimes mine won't feed for a couple weeks after a big feeding.

I'm not sure how to classify rare, but back when I was looking to buy an adult last summer, it was impossible for me to find anything in it's late instar. I know alocal guy that was importing ghost ooths and specimens from germany, so I assume you guys have better access in the UK, gary.
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