Established Member
Long story short when i was younger living with my parents i had chams the first two were very friendly not afraid, the second i had would hiss and puff and get colorful just if he saw you any closer than 4 ft. Feeding him was very stressful for him and me because he would puff and get angry bc a person was nearby, and i would get stressed because i felt like i was doing more harm than good.
(I was feeding correctly and tried multiple dif methods thats not the point).
Im a big believer that pets of any kind are going to have to be handled at some point for some reason. So best make it as least stressful as possible.
How can I get a chameleon i know will tolerate me to the point i can handle him if i need to? i dont wanna feel like im abusing an animal by trying to provide basic care.
(i dont currently have a chameleon, im considering getting one for the first time as an adult. I had some as a teen)
I got this chameleon as a baby, and from the second i opened the mailer and accidentally woke him he was very angry.
(I was feeding correctly and tried multiple dif methods thats not the point).
Im a big believer that pets of any kind are going to have to be handled at some point for some reason. So best make it as least stressful as possible.
How can I get a chameleon i know will tolerate me to the point i can handle him if i need to? i dont wanna feel like im abusing an animal by trying to provide basic care.
(i dont currently have a chameleon, im considering getting one for the first time as an adult. I had some as a teen)
I got this chameleon as a baby, and from the second i opened the mailer and accidentally woke him he was very angry.