2 new colonies is about to get started

Chameleons Lover

New Member
Hi all:)
i am going to start 2 new colonies meal worms and crickets but i need some one expert with this thing and tell me how to start it

1-how many worms to start with?
2-whats the size of the container?
3-when i know that my worms are ready to be fed?
4-do i feed them daily or weekly?
5-whats the temperature do they need any kind of light?
6-what to feed the worms?
7-what to put in the bottom of the container?
and with the crickets how to do it

its better to give me pics so i can see how its done
and thank you all
You can check out youtube. But why meal worms? They are not really recommendedcause they can cause impaction. Why not roaches instead!
Oh yea you should do super worms instead of meal worms theyre not as bad and theyre just as easy to breed, or so Ive heard.
Hi all:)
i am going to start 2 new colonies meal worms and crickets but i need some one expert with this thing and tell me how to start it

1-how many worms to start with?
2-whats the size of the container?
3-when i know that my worms are ready to be fed?
4-do i feed them daily or weekly?
5-whats the temperature do they need any kind of light?
6-what to feed the worms?
7-what to put in the bottom of the container?
and with the crickets how to do it

its better to give me pics so i can see how its done
and thank you all

1 Start with about 50 mealworms if you are only wanting to feed one chameleon with them periodically.
2 You'll need at least two containers, each about a litre in size, but smaller or bigger will work too.
3 worms will eat all the time. A bedding of bran and oats, with small pieces of carrot, squash, apple, dandelion greens etc set on top (for moisture and vitamins)
4 see 3
5 room temp. lighting is unimportant
6- see 3
7 - see 3

You may find these links on breeding mealworms interesting

For those who are anti-mealworm:
mealworms CAN be part of a varied diet. While they certainly shouldnt be a staple item, there is nothing wrong with offering them periodically. Ive been using them as a small part of my chameleons diets for over a decade. They can be gutloaded, just like superworms. They are the easiest and cheapest to breed bug I've ever encountered.

that said, superworms make a slightly better choice, and roaches an even better choice. These are relatively easy to breed as well, though not quite as simplistic as mealworms.
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