How long can a food strike last?


New Member
My guy randomly started refusing crickets and only wanted his treat bugs. So im now going on a food strike. It's been a little over a week. I brought him to the vet to make sure he was okay and they did all the tests and said he was okay and just on a food strike.

How long has your strikes last? I feel worried everyday knowing he's not eating and I want to cave and give him food, but he will not do crickets and I have not access to any other staple feeders in my area. I always incorporate BSF, super worms, horn worms, silkworms, but crickets are his main one, and I need him to get back on them as the others are too expensive to use as staples.
My male doesn’t eat crickets either. He’s gone on hunger strikes before as well and went 2 weeks.. just make sure he is staying hydrated. They LOVE grasshoppers but those can get expensive quick.
Beast mode silks are my main staple …100ct for $32 shipped is a pretty good deal.
It takes my male n female about 1.5 months to finish that 100 count ..I give them super worms and horn worms once a week as well.
My male doesn’t eat crickets either. He’s gone on hunger strikes before as well and went 2 weeks.. just make sure he is staying hydrated. They LOVE grasshoppers but those can get expensive quick.
Beast mode silks are my main staple …100ct for $32 shipped is a pretty good deal.
It takes my male n female about 1.5 months to finish that 100 count ..I give them super worms and horn worms once a week as well.
What are beast mode silks? I’m interested, Are they a type of silk? Gosh I hope that’s not a stupid question 🤣🤣🤣
My guy randomly started refusing crickets and only wanted his treat bugs. So im now going on a food strike. It's been a little over a week. I brought him to the vet to make sure he was okay and they did all the tests and said he was okay and just on a food strike.

How long has your strikes last? I feel worried everyday knowing he's not eating and I want to cave and give him food, but he will not do crickets and I have not access to any other staple feeders in my area. I always incorporate BSF, super worms, horn worms, silkworms, but crickets are his main one, and I need him to get back on them as the others are too expensive to use as staples.
If you could tell me how old the cham is and post some pics of the chameleon we can offer more feedback. Depending on age a food strike can be perfectly fine but you have to look at everything else as well in husbandry to make sure something is not off and causing them not to eat. Additionally there are other feeders you can order and they are not as expensive. If the chameleon is over the 9-10 month age mark then they can physically handle a food strike without issue. If this is a younger cham then you do not want to hold out on feeders as it is dangerous for them to go off food.
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