little leaf
Avid Member
well, I just sent out my rescued veiled, she is doing WONDERFUL - got her to a nice fat & sassy little girl, she wont ever have full sight in her left eye, but I was able to save her eyeball , so I am very happy on how she did
and then picked up this poor thing- she was rescued by my friend, who did what she could for her until I picked her up- this poor girl has SO many things going on
I really need some help - here is the list of things I know to be wrong so far- and there is no way to get her to my vet until Thur- (he is closed Monday, and he is only in on M & Thur-)
she seems to have a crocked spine - both from the top, and the side
she drags her back legs, she can climb, but not well - her rear Left leg is by far the worst - it can grip, but not really move- (does that make sense? )
she holds her front feet together alot-
she can not keep her balance, she just falls side to side ( in part I think because of her huge belly )
she had a very infected toe as well as bad temporal glad infection on her L side of her mouth
she has a weird "dent" on the low R side of her rib cage- my thumb will fit perfectly in this divot, I could not get it to show up in the pics - I am sure it is due to her spine issue, and you can see how she bows to the left -
she smells horrid -
has stuck shed
AND she is very gravid....
I know she has some kind of nerve issue w/ her back legs- I am thinking she has MBD - but her legs do not have the odd shapes (yet)
so far, I let her bask in the sun today- I have only had her a few hrs- I have set up a small cage w/ a vine, and made a "net " in the middle - the whole thing is only about 4" tall as she just can not sit right , and falls - she sits like a twisted shape -
I would like to give her a iodine bath ( is this ok? ) she smells just YUCK
I am told she is eating if you put it in her face/mouth , but will not hunt
I have not gotten a weight yet on her- she is pretty stressed right now-
ANY help/advice is REALLY appreciated - I am kinda lost on this one , and it will be 6 days until she will see the vet -
she is set up w/ correct temps in her cage- but even the cage I could use some advice on- I know they "drop" the babies from the top of the plants so the sack breaks , but I do not think a tall plant is going to help her - she just falls out of it - I saw Olives babies born, and all was normal , but w/ this one-... I fear if I do not SEE the birth, I fear they will not get out of the sacks -
she seems to have a crocked spine - both from the top, and the side
she drags her back legs, she can climb, but not well - her rear Left leg is by far the worst - it can grip, but not really move- (does that make sense? )
she holds her front feet together alot-
she can not keep her balance, she just falls side to side ( in part I think because of her huge belly )
she had a very infected toe as well as bad temporal glad infection on her L side of her mouth
she has a weird "dent" on the low R side of her rib cage- my thumb will fit perfectly in this divot, I could not get it to show up in the pics - I am sure it is due to her spine issue, and you can see how she bows to the left -
she smells horrid -
has stuck shed
AND she is very gravid....
I know she has some kind of nerve issue w/ her back legs- I am thinking she has MBD - but her legs do not have the odd shapes (yet)
so far, I let her bask in the sun today- I have only had her a few hrs- I have set up a small cage w/ a vine, and made a "net " in the middle - the whole thing is only about 4" tall as she just can not sit right , and falls - she sits like a twisted shape -
I would like to give her a iodine bath ( is this ok? ) she smells just YUCK
I am told she is eating if you put it in her face/mouth , but will not hunt
I have not gotten a weight yet on her- she is pretty stressed right now-
ANY help/advice is REALLY appreciated - I am kinda lost on this one , and it will be 6 days until she will see the vet -
she is set up w/ correct temps in her cage- but even the cage I could use some advice on- I know they "drop" the babies from the top of the plants so the sack breaks , but I do not think a tall plant is going to help her - she just falls out of it - I saw Olives babies born, and all was normal , but w/ this one-... I fear if I do not SEE the birth, I fear they will not get out of the sacks -
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