Not the place for this stuff !

Stop F@%&ing around on our forum! I shouldn't have to worry about people giving out stupid advice on purpose just because they think they are funny :mad:. There are going to be some things you may not agree with, and you and I may even give the wrong information once in a while, but we mean the best for our chams! No one answer is ever going to be the true correct answer. But having said this, how would you feel if some of your stupid "on purpose" advice crossed the line and caused someone to do something that would hurt their chameleon? I just had to re-read a post to decide if it was a true post or someone playing stupid games! That is not cool. I should be able to post an answer without thinking things like this! I find the diversity on this forum awesome, and that means a lot of personalities! If you disagree with someone, or don't like them, IGNORE THEM.

As for the moderators, thank you for being on top of these situations. I know you have all been under attack at times for your actions, and I know it must be a difficult job sometimes. I also know that without this control, many would not stay on the forum for long.

My rant is over for now, and I hope no one takes this personally, but think before you post! :rolleyes:


So, I thought the rant was over, but unfortunately the same stupid crap is still going on almost a full month later. It is really sad that people will treat this forum, that I personally think is an awesome resource and an extended family of chameleon owners, as their own personal playground. I can definitely see why people get upset and stop participating. I only wish that those who are doing it happen to stumble upon this blog to read this, but they probably wont. :mad: I'm sure this will pass, but not soon enough. I just hope we do not lose any member participation due to the stupidity!
Well, I was afraid of losing participation due to stupidity, and that is exactly what has happened. (Not exactly the way I figured) We have lost some members due to getting (I'm assuming) out of control, and its a shame it has come to this. They have put the moderators in a bad position and unfortunately some valued knowledge is gone now as well. I put this under the section "Things I didn't post", but now maybe I should have posted it where more could see it. It might have stopped some behavior, or at least reminded others why we all come here! :(:mad:
So, I just saw a post from a legitimate new member that was banned from the forum. This is the kind of stuff I hope to avoid. These situations should not occur. I hope that going forward we can all keep this in our thoughts so we can make this forum even better than ever! ;)
I know how you feel! I've made a decision to pm people if I don't like what they have to say or they're being plain wrong on what they're saying! Maybe it's wrong of me to do? But hey some people just don't belong on this site!

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