1. The chameleons in these pet stores have very tiny enclosures :(

If you have ever been to Petco or Petsmart and walked past the chameleon section, you will notice that they have the same size enclosure as all of the other reptiles. The pet stores don't understand that chameleons need to climb, they need to have ACTUAL plants, they need to be misted, they need to have supplements, they need to have HEALTHY bugs, and so many other countless things that your chameleon will need. The pet stores sell a chameleon "Starter kit" This includes: ReptiBreeze Screen Enclosure (18 in L x 18 in W x 36 in H), ReptiBreeze Substrate Bottom Tray, ReptiSun T5 High Output Fluorescent UVB Lamp 12 in 15w, ReptiSun Terrarium Hood 14 in, Repti Basking Spot Lamp 75w, Mini Deep Dome Lamp Fixture, Thermometer/Humidity Gauges, Naturalistic Floria Flexible Hanging Vine 6 foot, ReptiVine 40 in, & Naturalistic Flora Large Artificial Plant.
If you've ever owned a chameleon, you will know that a chameleon needs way more than an artificial plant, an enclosure, a heat lamp, a UV light, and a couple of vines. Not to mention, that all of this junk costs $250 at Petsmart?? They really need to update the chameleon "Starter kit" that they are selling, because so many people buy this "Starter kit" thinking that is all that a chameleon needs, and their chameleon ends up getting sick, or worse.
If you are looking for a chameleon starter kit, check the one that Neptune the Chameleon is selling, it is on sale for the same price as the Petsmart one!! (Normal price: $266)
About author
Current Cham: I have a new chammie, Daffie! She is a 1 1/2 year old female Veiled and I ABSOLUTELY love her!!!! More about her soon and in my latest thread: https://www.chameleonforums.com/threads/meet-daffodil-daffie-also-need-some-advice-for-an-egg-laying-bin.191976/

Current Animals: I have a Winter White Hamster, Sully, and an Australian Mist cat, Raymond!!!

Past Chammie Stories: Heyo! I have had experience with chameleons for almost a year, and when I got my first chameleon things got off to a rocky start. When I got my first chameleon, Yoshi, we got him from a reptile expo. He was a rescue, and blind in one eye. As soon as we took him home he wanted to interact with us and be handled. Yoshi loved eating super worms, silk worms, and crickets for the first few days we had him. But, then we noticed that Yoshi wouldn't eat anything. For a few weeks, Yoshi wouldn't eat, and he was showing no signs of an infection or disease. One night, I went to check on Yoshi and he was breathing loudly. I soon came to find out that it was agonal breathing, and after a few hours of trying to breathe, Yoshi fell off his branch and passed away. That is why my pfp is dedicated to Yoshi. I had gotten a second chameleon, Nat. She was eating healthy, looked healthy, and even had a healthy shed. After a week went by, Nat started showing signs of an upper respiratory infection. So, we took her to the exotic vet, and sure enough, it was. Sadly she also passed away.


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