SandraChameleon's Blog

Diary of what the chameleons ate this month. Supplement is currently three parts sticky tongue farms mineral-o and one part repashy calcium plus -regular/original strength. Crickets, superworms and mealworms are dusted. Don't usually dust roaches, butterworms, silkworms, terrestrial...
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what I fed the roaches and crickets. Pillbugs, snails, Supers and mealworms got similar fair. First week October: Apples (fresh from the tree) Pear (fresh from the tree) Cauliflower stems/leftovers (store bought and not something I would suggest offering often) Carrot (locally grown)...
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Log of Feeder prey offered to adult male panthers and a 1 year old male veiled during the month of May 2014. Most feeders lightly dusted with a 50-50 mix of Mineral-O and Calcium Plus (orig), or just the Mineral-O. May 31 - 1 small hisser, 2 mealworms, 1 wc harvestman May 30 - nothing May 29...
This months Dry Gutload: a dry meal made from ground raw sunflower and pumpkin seeds, dried alfalfa, dehydrated papaya, desiccated coconut, brewers yeast, raisins, dried cranberries, almonds, Spirulina powder, bull-kelp powder, oak tree leaves, bee pollen. April 1 carrot some dry mix...
intended for the hissers and dubia all mixed up coarse chopped with a mini food processor (not finely blended) one medium carrot (in three chunks so it would fit in the little machine) one tablespoon molasses a big handful of fresh young spring dandelion leaves (about three medium plants...
Im frequently asked about commercial gutloads, especially in terms of as a back-up or in addition to providing veggies. While I personally make my own gutloads for the most part, there are Four commercial gutloads listed below which I have seen recommended and which seem pretty good, though I've...
this is a day by day diary of the prey intake for each of my adult male panther and veiled chameleons. Panthers and veilds got the same meals, except where otherwise noted. All prey was gutloaded except the hornworms (which were fed off immediately after purchase). Butterworms were gutloaded...
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Gutloaded insects should be the primary diet for your veiled chameleon, but they sometimes also enjoy directly eating vegetables, flowers, and small amounts of fruit. pieces of leafy greens romaine kale (not daily - some is great, but a lot may not be) collards (not daily - some is good...
I've had such a bad week. Not entirely, but generally overall its been pretty miserable. I cannot remember a time when I have felt anything close to how awful and moody I feel right now. Almost every piece of news I got this week was disappointing, depressing, frantic, aggravating, enraging...
basic feeding of your feeder prey does not have to be expensive or difficult :) You probably eat some fruit and veggies every day, so save a little of that for your bugs (the ends or peels off of carrots, leftover squash, a few leaves of romaine or mustard greens or arugula from your salad...
For added prey variety, Firebrats are an easy low-maintenance small feeder option (good for babies and pygs but not overly suitable for larger chameleons) How to: Get a Plastic bin (with smooth sides). Lid is optional – whether you need it will depend on how humid your room is, but you’ll...
The flesh and the leaves, the flowers and the seeds are edible and nutritious. The Leaves are a good source of Calcium, Protein, beta Carotene, Vitamin C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Copper and Manganese. The Flowers are a good...
Every few of months I make up a batch of dry gutload to feed (alongside fresh vegetables and fruit) to crickets, roaches, superworms, terrestrial isopods, snails and sometimes grasshoppers. I occasionally share the mix here since forum members have many times indicated they find it...
Prey intake diary of my adult male panther chameleons, July 2013. All prey is gutloaded except the wild caught moths, although the grasshoppers and butterworms didnt eat much. Supplements, when used, are also noted. “50-50 mix” means I take a spoonful of Mineral-O (the vitamin free calcium...
This is daily a log of what my ~2 month old veiled consumed in July 2013. He was typically given as much as he could eat within about 5 minutes, once or twice a day. Prey is listed in the order in which it was offered and eaten. The cockroaches are small –medium size. The superworms are...
A log of what my adult panther chams each ate.:) 01 Apr, Monday--4-5 termites, wild caught but kept for several weeks prior to being fed off. No supplement. Also, 1 large cricket, gutloaded and calcium dusted. 02 Apr, Tuesday--2 superworms. Gutloaded and dusted with a 50-50 mix of Repashy...
Apart from potentially being salty, its a good addition to a varied gutload regime. Nutrients in 100 Grams 79.99 g Water 3.03 g Protein 0.5 g Fiber 150 mg Calcium, Ca 2.18 mg Iron, Fe 107 mg Magnesium, Mg 80 mg Phosphorus, P 50 mg Potassium, K 872 mg Sodium, Na 0.38 mg Zinc, Zn...
At first glance, Spinach may seem a good gutload choice. And it is, in small amounts from time to time. Spinach is a good source of Fiber, Protein, pro-formed Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Niacin, Zinc, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus...
A half cup / 92.5g of cooked Quinoa provides: 66.24 g Water 111 kcal Energy 465 kJ Energy 4.07 g Protein (Complete Amino Acids / high-quality protein) 1.78 g Total lipid (fat) 0.7 g Ash 19.7 g Carbohydrate, by difference 2.6 g Fiber, total dietary 0.8 g Sugars, total 16.31 g Starch 16...
A diary of what each of my panther chameleons ate during the month of March. 1-Mar=1 dubia, gutloaded, lightly calcium& mineral dusted with Sticky Tongue Farms Mineral-Outdoor 2-Mar=3 butterworms 3-Mar=5 crickets, gutloaded and lightly dusted with a 50-50 mix of Repashy Calcium Plus and...

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