You and the Internet - A friendly reminder


New Member

Just thought that for the sake of the members I would make this little post to make a reminder of safe practices on the internet.

I will admit that I have made some of the mistakes I will mention below, and many of you have as well - however It sometimes takes a lesson well learned to never make them again.


these rules apply to not only the forums, but any other part of the internet as well.

1. Be careful when revealing information - your cell phone # can easily lead to harassment calls, even worse if you give your name.

Safe Guard? release information selectively through private messages or emails.

2. Your signature tells a lot about you - don't be so quick to put every single animal you own in there, or to reveal your location and city so easily.

Safe Guard? Choose options like "who can see your signature" (city, state, e.t.c)

3. Be weary of emails - sometimes you will get emails from place like "your bank" or "paypal" even animal "breeders" requesting you to confirm personal information - this can be very dangerous and threatens to have your identity stolen and abused all over the web.

Safe Guard? If you do not remember ever contacting such entity, don't open the email/message. Sometimes emails will have "links" to the websites, right click and open in new tab, and examine the URL closely before doing anything - usually you will catch a typo or misspelling in that which will tip you off that the site is phony.

4. Meet and Greets - sometimes people are just malicious and will sign up on forums to "get to know people" and I have had friends who met people on car forums to make sales - and my friends ended up getting mugged and the car parts stolen.

Safe Guard? Speak on the phone before anything, exchange numerous emails beforehand - try to get a sense as to what this person is after, besides what is mentioned in the conversations. When meeting - meet in very public places, NOT YOUR OWN HOUSE, or in some isolated place like a denny's parking lot at 9pm....

This is just a friendly reminder to be safe while on the internet :) coming from me being harassed by a "forum member" who prefers to call my phone starting @ 7am in the morning, five times in a row - after I have told him many times that the animal he was inquiring about is no longer available. This has been happening for nearly a week now!

so be careful! follow the rules! and have fun!

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