wow the things pets put us through


New Member
ok not been on in a long long time so sorry about that but have been looking after some sick pets

aquireed a corn snake that had problems before he came here , took straight to the vets and he had an old wound that had got infected and had infected his spine so it disintergrated a vertebrae in his spine, he was on injections every 4 days but now seems to be doing ok with out them. still not eating though sigh .

then all my ferrets ( all 12 ) got a virus they all managed to shrug it off except one that i nearly lost , however due to 48 hours of syringe feeding every half hour and then 2 weeks of intensive care he has now put all his weight back on and is doing well the other 11 are fine and are causing chaos as usual

pearex my cham is doing fine though hes grummpy cos hes shedding :p
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