Winter Nights

No light. Chams like it dark when they sleep. I even cover the cages wile I watch TV after lights out. They can take and need the temp drop. Panthers have no problems in the mid 60s and veileds can go into the mid 50s.
I think in the winters in socal can get to low 50s. I believe it might be colder in the house. Should I leave a little night light that provides heat to keep the temps up?

I also cover my enclosures with a towel at night.
No, 50's is fine for veileds and plenty of other species. If you have a panther or another warmer temp loving species, put a small ceramic screw in heater outside the screen. They give off safe heat with no light. But seriously there are many other Southern Cal members here and to the best of my knowledge most don't do anything and their Chams are fine.
Well the way thermodynamics work, if the outside temp gets down into the 50s at night your house should stay in the 60s with no heat, as long as you don't leave windows open. You have a roof that has been sitting under the warm sun all day. It will release it's stored heat at night keeping the house about 10 degrees warmer than the outside temp.
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