Why a color change?


New Member
When I first got my panther he had a lot of yellow and orange that I liked. That was his color all the time and now he is always a green and blue. Why such a drastic permanent color change? He does not get a yellow body anymore? Is it time of year or just getting older?
He does not get mad at anything anymore to see if he will get more coloring. :confused:


He is blind in that eye. I got him that way. He gets medicated ointment put in his eye everyday and it is sticky and kinda sticks closed for the most part. He does open it but its a complete blind eye.
I know chameleons change color but I thought there primary colors would stay unless a mood or environment change..
Makes sense and since he is indoors now for the winter that probably has something to do with it. duh:p
I have to admit I do like his old one better but he is still beautiful:)
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