Who likes spiders?

It is :)

Its a Golden Orb Weaver and here is the link to the article


p.s. cainschams...there are other scary pictures....just warning you :eek:

That really is amazing and I love seeing nature at its best. Its just spiders and insects that fly and sting are not for me:) I would rather come across a timber rattler than one of those guys but, I love snakes:D. I could go right up the mountain basically in my back yard onto the Appalachian Trail and find one very quickly but I dont go hunting for them. There are a few instances of hikers getting bit around my area. Sorry, train of thought is wandering a little:rolleyes:

So does the body grow as big as a hand or is it legs and all?
These spiders are creepy but awesome. Devon and I pick up spiders that are around and relocate them to safe places. We have a lot of garden orb weavers in the area and they are really out en masse during the spring- you can go out into our little forestey yard and find dozens of little webs with babies. We have a couple that we are keeping inside this winter because they have laid egg sacks in the containers they are being housed in. We will let the babies out in spring if they hatch by then. The adults are a lot of fun to watch and feed rogue crickets to.
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