White on eye


New Member
I have had my Chameleon for a few months now and she is or was finally healthy looking. I noticed last week that she had some white on her eye area but not the actual opening. I cant tell if its crust or shed or what but appears to be on both eyes. She has been acting normal until today she was rubbing her stomach on the ground and has been hanging out by the bottom for the last hour or so. Does she sound gravid? I will try to post some pics of her eye issue later.
I think we would need photos before really being able to determine. That being said, it sounds, on the face of it, as though she is starting a shed. I have had chams start their shed on the eye turrets exclusively. Sometimes the beginning of a shed is not apparent to the keeper, but the cham is already itching, and rubbing itself against things.

Did you replace that compact bulb? I saw in your earlier thread that she is really cute. A little skinny, but our young females all looked skinny at first. Has she fattened up at all? Has she shed since you got her? I would think she has, since you seem to have acquired her in February. Is she drinking well?
She is probably starting to shed, but make sure you watch her eyes carefully. My girl's eye area always started peeling first when she would shed, then came the head and everything else. They get itchy during shedding which could explain her scratching her tummy...but keep a close watch on her anyhow.:)
Yeah she has definitely fattened up since i got her and has shed multiple times. She drinks better but still not daily and not from a dripper i have to hand spray her a few times daily to get her to drink. She looks cute but really she is not so nice. She gets angry really easily now that she has settled in. Yeah she no longer has the compacts. Do you think it could be from her eating my ivy? She loves it!
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