Which to choose?


New Member
I can't make up my mind??



I just ordered a male nosy be from Kammers!! So I'm a little biased haha, but it's so hard to wait til august for him to come...what cham(s) do you have already?
I personally like the Nosy faly or Amabanja's over the Nosy bes but can't go wrong with any of them just what you like
For me it really just has to do with the colors and patterns. I like Nosy Be's but the way they have been breed is to be solid blue witch to me looses something. The ones that have colorful faces and eyes I like much better. IMHO But that's the great thing about chameleons and CB in particular...something for every taste.
Oh my god, Sinatra is the MOST gorgeous colour I've ever seen. I have HUGE cham envy (am whispering in case my lovely veiled hears this...)
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