When will my yemen lay her eggs.


New Member
Hi all,
My female yemen was mated with my male on the 10th of january 2009 and is not digging at all.She has put on nearly 25g in the last 2 weeks and does looks quite big in the belly.
When should she start digging because i thought the term for a yemen was around 20-30 days.
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm not sure how long it takes from when they are mated. I'm sure someone on here will know and help you out though!

Lily laid infertiles (her first clutch) on 23rd December, and she didn't eat for 8 days before laying, and also a week before I could see and feel eggs just above her back legs. They usually stop eating before they lay (sometimes for several days) but they do still drink. I suppose it depends how large the clutch is whether they have enough room to eat! This makes sense now as Lily was quite fat and she laid 103 eggs, so she had no room for food in her belly as well as all those eggs! :D
She should be laying soon. When she stops eating, expect babies!!!

Do you have a laying bin ready? This is a must since yemen don't give birth to babies but lay eggs. The eggs take about 9 months to hatch. Check out the kitty blog below and you should be able to find all the information on this process.
yes she has a laying box in with her at the moment,
Its about 10" x10" x 18" deep and filled with soil and sand mixture.
Is this ok?
How long has the bin been in her cage?

I have used washed playsand for years as a substrate for laying eggs in. There is a brand produced by Kings that comes in a white bag with red, blue and yellow sand toys on it that is the best one I've found. It has never caused an impaction if ingested nor has it ever caused any infection in the glands in the corners of the mouths or in the eyes.
Getting a little worried now.
It been 42 days since she mated with the male and she isnt really doing much.
I have noticed that the tub that i put in the viv is getting disturbed(the little dig hole i done in the corner is getting filled in)but she still has'nt laid.I can see bumps in her stomach and above her back legs.
I hope she drops soon,
When did you put the place for her to dig in the cage???????????? Was it always there? Did you have it in there right after they mated? Did you wait for a couple of weeks before you put it in???????
Lily got to the stage that I could see and feel the eggs about 7 days before she laid. She was jam-packed with them though. Can't offer any more info than that I'm afraid, I dont know anything about breeding chameleons!
She still has'nt spat her eggs out yet,
got me wondering if she is really pregnant now,Even tho she has put on a lot of weight and looks like a pig.its been 44 days now.


Im not seeing either . Is it the first time for the male ? It could be a failed mate. But still have it in there.

42 days is not yet to panic. Many go further than 50 days. Normally they will come.
How old is your male??
Have you been feeding her more since they mated?
Did you actually see them mate? Did the female ever take on an almost black background color?
I have 2 females..that I mated in december..first time for the females and the male..they still have not laid there eggs...I can certainly see and feel them in both of them..here's a couple pics..I've noticed my large female "Right Picture" roaming around on the ground, scratching around a little bit this last week..So I'm hoping she'll lay pretty soon! But I know Veileds can go without laying there eggs for a few months?! Correct me if I'm wrong..Now what I would like to know..is How long is "TO LONG" at what point should we bring them to the Vet if they havent laid there eggs?!


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Kinyonga..Yes there in seperate cages, both have laying bins. Perfect temps. humidity is good..my little on is starting to get pretty big...not moving as much..but hasent gone to the foor of her cage..the other one randomy go's to the floor the past few days..but nothing yet?! Do you have any tips?
Are you leaving them alone? don't they need privacy and like a towel around there cages cause if she sees you see will be stressed and not feel safe to lay them
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